Hot Air Balloon Game

How to Play:

On mobile, use your finger to move the balloon up, down, left, and right to avoid obstacles such as clouds, thunder bolts, and pigeons. The closer you are to the obstacles, the harder it gets to avoid them!

On desktop, use the arrow keys to move the balloon. Use the 'Up' arrow key to move the balloon upwards, 'Left' and 'Right' arrows to move it horizontally. Keep the balloon safe and travel as far as possible without hitting any obstacles!

Game Over

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By playing this game, you agree to follow all terms of use, including respecting copyright, avoiding cheating, and adhering to the website's privacy policy. The game is for entertainment purposes only, and no personal data is collected during gameplay.

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Your privacy is important to us. We do not collect any personally identifiable information while playing this game. The game uses only cookies for storing session data to keep track of your progress. No data is shared with third parties.